Category: Atlantic Horseshoe Crab Protection
CBS Sunday Morning
Thank you to those who alerted CCHSC to this short and informative video “Horseshoe Crabs” that aired on CBS Sunday Morning” on August 11, 2024. Definitely take a minute to take a look. One part of the video that CCHSC found of particular interest was the positive information from Eli Lily regarding synthetic substitutes for…
New Horseshoe Crab Regulations
It’s official, the Mass DMF has published the new Horseshoe Crab Harvest Regulations. Here the are: Also, check your local area for horseshoe crab counts. Friends of Barnstable Harbor will be conducting a training on Saturday, May 4th 2024, 8:00am @ Long Pasture Audubon. Bring boots or waders as it will be high tide. If…