Author: Mussel Point
Commission Approves New Regulations
March 19, 2024: Today the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Advisory Commission approves new regulations to help protect our horseshoe crabs. This is a great first step in ensuring that our horseshoe crab populations may survive another million years. Mass Audubon was instrumental in the outreach and advocacy that led the way for these new…
MA DMF Meeting
Tonight’s MA DMF Meeting was held at Mass Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay. Approximately 200 people were in attendance. Although it seemed the majority were in favor of the new regulations, there was a strong contingent of horseshoe crab fisherman at the meeting as well. Director of MA DMF Dan McKiernan opened the meeting sharing…
Mass. Proposes New Protections for Horseshoe Crabs
New Protections for Horseshoe Crabs: The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries is proposing new regulations that would prohibit harvesting horseshoe crabs during the spring spawning season, from April 15 to June 7. Horseshoe crabs are harvested for bait and also for use in the biomedical industry. CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO THE FULL STORY: Mass.…